
Compliance After Incorporation

Sr. No. Compliance Description Form to be filed
1 First meeting/Interest Disclosure The company shall hold a meeting of the Board of Directors in less than
30 days from the date of its incorporation.
Form MBP - 1/MGT-14
2 Form FC-1 under Section 380 To be submitted to RBI within 30 Days of Incorporation RBI Portal
3 Form FC-3 under Section 380 Details of the areas where the business is going to conduct operations
as well as the financial records of the company,to be submitted
within 30 days of incorporation
RBI Portal
4 Auditors Appointment The first auditor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors (BOD)
within 30 days from the time the company is registered.
Form ADT - 1
5 Commencement of Business Within 180 days, the company shall obtain a
certificate of commencement of business.
Form INC 20A
6 Share Certificates The share certificate shall be issued to a shareholder within 60 days from
the date of incorporation.
7 Profession Tax Registration under Profession Tax as per the law of the respective state As per the State
8 It’s all in the Name Company shall be required to affix its name, address & CIN at all
placesfrom where it carries on its business operations, websites,
all other digital plateforms, letteheads, envelops etc
9 GST Registration Registrations depending on your nature of business & turnover GST Portal